Friday, September 23, 2011

not quite a symphony, but it's a start

When we started homeschooling six weeks ago, it was impossible for me to know just what to expect.  How long would our school days last?  Did I have enough material, too much, or was it about right?  So much of our curriculum uses the computer--would one be enough, or would we need to purchase a second?  How would it go having Micah and Rachel use the same core curriculum, including many of the same books, with such different skill sets?  Would the curriculum even be a good match for their learning styles and learning needs? How would teaching Josiah and keeping him occupied fit in to our day?  How would everyone adjust to such a different lifestyle?

Now several weeks into our school year, we have the answers to most of those questions.  Overall, it's amazing how quickly everyone has adjusted and how smoothly things are going.  The kids wake up ready to go and start most mornings by 7:15, which wasn't part of the plan but we've adjusted.  I've learned it really did help to start slowly, tweak as needed, and gradually raise the expectations.  A couple of workbooks had to be taken out, some things are being set aside for later while a few new ideas were added, but overall we've found a good fit for everyone.  And happily, one computer is enough!

In the past six weeks, my oldest was able to travel with my dad to the Farm Progress Show.  We've watched a spider feast on crickets, and examined a grasshopper and leaves with a magnifier.  My daughter has been sketching every time she has a spare moment, and started writing a homework paper in cursive without any prompting from me.  (This relieves my eyesight; her cursive is so much more readable than print!)  The science issues we were having when we started have melted away as she's found her groove.  My youngest has talked about "people in other lands who don't know about Jesus" and prayed for them.  Trying to keep Josiah busy continues to be a challenge, but he's made tremendous strides in the things we've been doing together one on one.  I've been reading a challenging book to the older kids during read aloud time, and Josiah asks me to stop if he has to go to the bathroom.  When Micah flew through a reader last week because he just couldn't quit, I handed him another book.  It's not like the boy doesn't read much.

What started as a bit of a cacophony of noise a few weeks ago has given way to a beautiful tune where most instruments have learned their parts and are playing them well.  Now if I can just get Josiah to crash his cymbals at the proper moment, all will be well.

It's been fun finding our rhythm.

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