Sunday, January 30, 2011

hosting a terrific birthday party...

Rachel's Pajama Party

Atmosphere is important.  Dim the lights, light some candles, decorate the table with bedding, and mom, you need to put on your pajamas, too! 

Invite the nicest girls you can find.  They make the best kind of friends.

Serve chocolate cupcakes and don't tell anyone they are gluten-free.  They won't notice anyway.

Don't worry about the crumbs.  That's why there are 2 sheets on this bed!

Cupcakes work fine for the ten candles we had to light.

Have more games ready than you need.  (Use the internet!)  Go with the flow.  When the girls come up with flashlight hide-and-seek, ditch the idea for flashlight limbo.  Play Mancala and Apples to Apples Jr.  Know when to move on and when to backtrack.  Did I mention they liked flashlight hide-and-seek?

Make sure everyone leaves wishing they could stay longer.

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