To go along with the reading program, I gave the kids bingo sheets with book titles I would like for them to read this summer. This keeps Micah from getting stuck in a Star Wars/dragon book rut and challenges Rachel to read some things she may otherwise not realize she can handle. There are 25 squares to mark off, and some of them are free choice. They get prizes for reading 5, 10, and all 25 books, easily coordinated with the prizes from the library reading program. For instance, the final prize is dinner out at a favorite restaurant, and Micah is planning to use his book bucks to buy a Chili's gift certificate at the library.
There are math facts to learn (with help from a program borrowed from Eric's sister), 4-H projects to start, writing journals, memory verses (one from each book of the New Testament)...and lots of restful summer days with bike rides, trips to the park and pool, the library program, and day camp ahead. It's great to have my school-age kids home again! And now I get to indulge a little in the homeschooling desires that still rage in my heart. They have come to expect a little academic work as much-anticipated part of each summer.
Rachel and Josiah enjoyed playing in shaving cream yesterday. This picture cracks me up; I didn't realize I'd also captured Micah reading in the background.
Did I mention it is 7:45 a.m. and the kids are still in bed???
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