Wednesday, June 3, 2009

back to Colossians as promised

A little sample of the three question method at work!

Colossians 1:1-2

Who and what: Paul (an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God), Timothy (our brother), brothers (saints and faithful) in Christ at Colossae, God (our Father), grace and peace to Colossians from God
Where: Colossae, we find out later Paul was in prison, Timothy also seems to have been there as Paul's companion though not fellow prisoner
When: not given in text, most scholars agree book was written in or around A.D. 60

-Paul's apostleship is by the will of God. Ponder for awhile all that this brings regarding the authority of the book and the Colossian church, who had never met Paul yet were expected to hear and apply what he wrote them especially regarding false teaching and the deity of Christ.
-Paul was an apostle by the will of God. As we serve the Lord, it is important to know we are in His will. Paul's encounter with God on the road to Damascus shaped the rest of his life and ministry. Our encounter with God's grace will also shape where we minister and what we spend our life pursuing for His kingdom's sake.
-Timothy was Paul's partner in ministry. We cannot serve God alone but need the help of others who are faithful to His service. Those partners will have a heart for God's work wherever it may take them and will be an encouragement to those they serve as well as those they serve with.
-The Colossians were regarded as saints and faithful brothers. Their faith was evidenced by changed lives, in this case faithfulness. The term "saints" reflected both their position before God and their practice before men.
-Grace and peace were given by God to the Colossians. We must have God's grace to experience peace with Him.

1. In what area am I serving "by the will of God?" This should not be some kind of service I dream up for myself, or sign up for reluctantly because someone has highlighted an area of need, but something that God has led me to do. It will be something for which He has prepared and equipped me uniquely, and will flow out my encounter with His grace on my life. Where can I serve and say, "Leah, a ________ by the will of God." (There is nothing too big nor too small if it is by the will of God!)
2. With whom will I begin to partner in ministry, or who is my ministry partner? Is there an area of service where I am trying to go it alone? Do I see someone else serving whom God is prompting me to get behind and support?

Just a scratch, digging with a spoon where I need an excavator. How deep is the truth of the word of God when it penetrates our hearts and thinking!

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly..." (Col. 3:16)

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