Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Indian summer

The rain finally quit falling, the temps warmed up, and the kids got well. It's Indian summer in Central IL!

We have no trees in our yard, but plenty in the park just behind the fence. Grab a rake, make a pile, jump, and throw!

A church family opened their farm as a destination spot for kids and families this year, a great place to pick out a pumpkin and play. Josiah and I met his good friend Tyler and his mom Heather and spent a glorious morning just outside of town. Check it out for yourself at We used to live on the Rader farm...sweet memories! Now we get to add more with our children.

Josiah must have spent half an hour playing in the corn.

After getting help from Mommy the first few times, Josiah got brave enough to jump himself. That took care of another half an hour.
Don't grow up too fast there, little boy.

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