Thursday, March 29, 2012

vision therapy update

Last fall I posted about our discovery that Rachel needed vision therapy.  We were able to schedule 4 sessions after Christmas.  I dropped her off each week for a 1 hour session with C. and prayed for progress.

Just two sessions in, Rachel began to tell me it was getting easier to read.  A few weeks later she went to the grocery store with me for the first time in a long, long time.  "Mom!" she exclaimed, "everything looks so clear!"

It's hard to know how much different her world now looks, but I am seeing the results myself in her daily work.  Look at this, a handwriting sample from last fall:

 Compared to this past week:

When I showed her the two papers, she giggled and said, "vision therapy."  It is much easier to keep her handwriting between lines that aren't jumping around when she looks at them.

It will take time to realize all the benefits; time to build vocabulary, improve reading skills, and see how things go from here.  We have about 10 minutes of therapy to do every day--which isn't always easy to fit in but we are so motivated to keep a good thing going.  Recently, I found this website on another mom's blog: which is a nice break from the usual activities every once in awhile.

Another mom gave recently recommended this for vocabulary development.  Rachel is such a visual learner (in spite of having visual problems), I'm hoping it will be a great way to boost her vocabulary.  Micah and I laughed so hard when looking at the samples, he asked me to get the SAT book for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...