Sunday, March 25, 2012

earthquake jello

The Easter season is almost upon us, and Josiah's Sunday School class is learning about the things that happened when Jesus died on the cross.  One of the events of the crucifixion was an earthquake.  His teacher wanted to demonstrate the shifting of the earth with jello and wondered if there was a way Josiah could have some.  Since this is an easy treat to make, we offered to share his version with the whole class.  I worried a little what preschool tastebuds would think of undyed, naturally flavored lemon jello but it turns out I didn't need to fret.  As soon as I walked in the door to pick up Josiah, one little girl quickly exclaimed, "I loved the jello!!"

Josiah was SO excited to have the same food as everyone else in his class, it made my heart ache and I sadly wished that things didn't always have to be so complicated for him.  Still, we have so much to be thankful for, and sharing jello was just added to the list!

Lemon Gelatin
2 envelopes Knox unflavored gelatin
1 c. cold water
2 c. boiling water
1/2 c. sugar
2/3 c. lemon juice

In medium bowl or pan, sprinkle unflavored gelatine over the cold water.  Let stand one minute.  Add the boiling water and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.  Stir in sugar to dissolve.  Add lemon juice.  Chill until firm.

This recipe can really be recreated with any fruit juice, and you can add fruit to it as well.  I think crushed pineapple would taste wonderful in the lemon jello, although you could also add pineapple juice instead.  You would probably need less sugar, however, when using regular fruit juice.

If adding fruit, chill mixutre utnil the consistency of unbeaten egg whites.  Fold in fruit and chill. 

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