Saturday, July 23, 2011

finding new favorites

Ah, sweet relief.  That's how I feel this morning, the first in over a week that I have awakened without a headache.  A funny thing happened when I took chocolate out of my diet; I found another headache trigger: tomatoes.  It seems that fresh are Ok but cooked and sauces are not.  Goodbye to pizza, spaghetti, and chili, some of my very favorite foods.  Thankfully, since Josiah is also sensitive to tomatoes, I know there are tasty alternatives.  Still, this week I complained light-heartedly to Micah, "I'm having to give up all my favorite foods!"  My sweet son gave me a hug and said, "Well, Mom, you are going to have to find some new favorites." 

He's right, of course, and here is one of them.  I love the cupcake recipe made from coconut flour from a friend's blog, and tried topping it with a caramel icing.  The frosting was melting into the cupcakes in this hot summer weather (even with the AC on), so I stuck the pan of cupcakes in the freezer.  What a great treat to pull out on a hot summer's day!  Besides the icing, it's relatively low in sugar, another thing my body is not dealing with well right now.

In the end, it is more than worth it to be headache free.  I'm looking forward to many happy mornings to come!  And, happily, the tomatoes ripening in my garden will be something I can still enjoy.

Caramel Frosting

2 T. butter
3 T. milk
1/2 c. packed brown sugar
1 c. powdered sugar
1/2 t. vanilla

Boil first 3 ingredients for 1 min. on high.  Beat in powdered sugar, 1/2 c. at a time.


chacha said...

Thanks for the link! I love the idea of the caramel and will steal that idea as soon as it's a wee bit cooler here!

There are so many options out there - in a strange way I'm thankful for having to go gluten free - it's expanded our food choices so much and we really do have lots of new favorites. =D

leah said...

You're welcome!

There are so many more options than we realize, aren't there? We are discovering new favorites all the time now, and they are often much healthier than what we used to eat.