Thursday, November 11, 2010

update on Micah and Rachel

Micah is scheduled for a little outpatient surgery on Dec. 2. He's had nosebleeds since he was a preschooler, and the ENT is going to cauterize his nose so that doesn't happen anymore. Hooray!! That will also allow some more treatment options for his sinus issues, and hopefully less sick days from here on out.

Rachel is going to a diagnostic clinic at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago on Nov. 19. Her pediatrician would like to make sure we're not missing something like an autoimmune disorder, and the Dr. there specializes in hard-to-diagnose cases.

We're praying for healing and answers, and thankful for the direction we've been given so far.


Joshua said...

Seems like this might all be coming to end soon :) What are goign to do without sick kids???LOL

leah said...

Wouldn't that be something? I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch, but I am hopeful!!