Saturday, October 25, 2008

you have to speak the language

It's always an interesting venture to make the world understandable to a toddler. For instance, a few nights ago, Josiah sat on my lap and whimpered as he watched his older siblings wrestle with Daddy. I tried to explain, "It's OK, they're having fun. Silly kids." All to no avail. Then I tried again, "Get Daddy!" The lightbulb went on and Josiah zoomed across the room to join in the action. "Now that's speaking my language!"
If you look carefully (above), you'll even see Micah...
It took all three kids, but it looks like they've finally got Dad right where they want him!
I made an appointment for today that I have put off for as long as possible: the first haircut. It did, after all, take Josiah almost 2 years to grow a full head of hair. It's pretty hard to look at his curls (yes, he does have curls if you look closely and provide enough humidity) and want to take scissors to them, but I could tell it was finally time to do something about the stringy hair hanging on the back of his neck and flying out from behind his ears. We went off to Suzee's, where Lori got to do the honors, as she has for each of my children. (Their first haircut is always free!) Josiah watched Micah get his hair cut and buzzed with clippers, and decided this was definately not for him. No way would he sit in the chair, even if it was on Nana's lap. (That's right, Nana and Papa came to watch. We threatened to sell tickets!) Daddy brought a lollipop over, Mommy held him and stood up, and we got the job done. Lollipops have a way of communicating a spirit of cooperation to young children.

The best part: the curls are still there! They're just a bit, ummm... shorter.

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