Monday, August 27, 2012

first days of school

"precept upon precept, line upon line." Isaiah 28:10

Last week we started our first day of school.  Knowing my daughter's heart, I declared the day Pajama Day to celebrate.

Josiah is in kindergarten, studying Sonlight Core A for literature and several add ons.

At the suggestion of some homeschooling friends, I decided to try workboxes with Josiah this year, and cannot believe how well it works.  He loves working through each drawer one by one and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it.  I love that I can work with him first, and then put independent work in the last drawers so I can be available to teach the older kids for the rest of the day.  This website was a great resource!  This week, I'm adding a tower for Rachel to help her stay organized, too.  And then Micah said he wanted one...

A real winner: Mark Kistler's drawing lessons at a deep discount.  Rachel's drawings were incredible!  She is in 6th grade this year and doing Sonlight's Core D+E: American History.  There were so many great books in this core that I didn't want her to miss, she loves American history, and the easier reading load allows us to have time to work together on some other vital skill areas or delve into the history more deeply if we want.

Micah did not opt for pajamas, but did like the idea of having his sleeping bag spread out as a work station.  He is in 8th grade and doing Sonlight Core H, American History from the 1500's to the present.  This boy is happiest when he's surrounded with books.

One of Josiah's independent activities on another day: cut out food, a plate, and utensils.  We had a quick party.

He loved being goofy!


Joshua said...

Looks like a great first day!

leah said...

It was busy! :)

Hope you are all having a fun and productive year!