Saturday, June 30, 2012

little tigress

We were actually in the market for a slightly expensive technological device.  But a side trip to the pet store for some fish ended a little differently than we had planned.

Most of us were attracted to some 9 week old kittens, but Micah only had eyes for a patched tabby named "Gabriella" from the moment he saw her.  Once I got around to visiting with her, I understood why.  Her sweet and playful personality quickly won my heart.  When she licked Eric's nose, it was all over.

After a little talk between parents and much begging by children who no longer wanted anything to do with technological devices, we decided to go ahead and bring her home.  We've been without a cat since our much beloved 15-year-old Holly had to be put to sleep last month.  Our original plan was to wait until after our summer vacation for an adoption, but sometimes plans have to be changed.

Getting ready to pounce on my camera string.

We are hoping to visit Yellowstone National Park in a few weeks and one of the spots on our agenda is the Grand Prismatic Spring.  Micah suggested Prisma as a name, and it stuck.

Prisma immediately hissed at Eddie but easily warmed up to him when he was eating a treat.  We think they will get along just fine once she has him right where she wants him.  With his healthy fear of cats already in place, that won't take long.

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