Tuesday, June 5, 2012

learning algebra at home

Micah successfully trudged his way through this year's math program, but asked if we could switch to something different for next year.  We're trying a 2 week free trial of Thinkwell Math, and after the first lesson, he loves it!  Everything is done online including the lectures, lessons and grading, although you can buy CD's of the lectures for $25 more if you need to free up computer time for someone else.  I had seen Thinkwell offered in Sonlight's catalog as a higher level math course, but didn't realize they offer it starting at sixth grade math!  We'll see how this goes for him...and I'm thrilled he is willing to take 2 weeks of his summer to try it. 

Khan Academy is another great, free online resource for math and several other subjects.  I wish I had remembered to access it this year as another way to see other explanations for some tricky lessons.

I remember my high school math teacher, who offered time before school to help students who might be struggling with a lesson.  It was kind of him to do so, but when we went to him, we got the same explanation we had in class.  It was frustrating to hear something I already didn't understand reexplained the exact same way I hadn't understood it.  The Internet is a great tool to hear things taught in different ways!!

Speaking of math and free trials, Math Rider offers a free 7 day trial of their software to help improve math facts.  Thankfully, Rachel likes the horse jumping format (this might get boring over time for some kids?), and I love the stats page that charts the facts that need to be worked on and improvements made.  It is a bit pricey, but I have another math student coming up that will be able to use it someday, and they offer free lifetime updates.

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