Friday, April 3, 2009

seeing past the lollipops

In the checkout aisle this week, my 2-year-old spotted the lollipops. Bright rainbow colors enticed him and before I knew it, he was holding two and three at a time. I knew how many times we would be back at this store and pass the candy aisle, so several times this mommy told her little boy, "No, honey, not this time. Please, put them back." Dutifully he'd replace the lollipops in their holes and immediately pick up another to replace them.

It was finally our turn to check out. Knowing I was fighting a losing battle, we replaced all the lollipops and I plunked my little one in the cart, out of reach. You can guess what happened next. Loud shrieks of protest and screams drowned out even the sounds of the checkout scanner.

"What's wrong, honey?" the clerk asked my son. "Are you having a bad day? At least for now?"

At least for now. How many times have I allowed my whole day to be ruined by some temporary setback, some coveted privilege withheld by a Father who knows what is best for me? Or experienced moments of frustration that send me into a frantic tailspin, stirring up emotions that were wrongly acted upon, wreaking havoc on those around me and wrecking the peace that could rule my heart?

Not every trouble I face is fleeting, but many are. Can't I for once see past the moment to the bigger picture and hold my cool? My inner character is revealed by my response to not immediately having things happen just the way I want. Too many times I have acted like my 2-year-old.

In the grandest scheme of things, all our troubles are temporary. Paul said, "our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all" (2 Cor. 4:17). Admit it: you're way past two. What glory will you let God produce in you today?

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