Friday, April 17, 2009

15+ years ago

Today I stumbled across a Steve Camp song that I used to listen to in college. It is heartening to discover that what was once an ideal has become a walk of faith. I think of things I never would have dreamed of doing without God nudging me all the way: standing on the streets of New York City sharing the gospel with the lost, leading a Bible study, or even walking across the yard to talk to a neighbor I didn't yet know (yes, I was that shy!) Or the things I never dreamed I would need God's enabling to fulfill: rocking sleepless babies, doing endless laundry, finding grace and joy in the mundane tasks that can make up my day. I am not the person I ought to be, the holiness I strive for at times seems quite out of reach, but God is faithful to grant what is required of His servant when she does obey what He asks. I now long for greater faith, greater obedience, in order to live a life that truly exalts Christ...what will that look like in 15 years?! And whose life might be touched for Christ as a result?

Whatever You Ask by Steve Camp
Lord, I see the things You ask of me;
faithfulness, holiness and purity,
I love Your truth;
I long to show it to the world for You.

So, Lord, I need Your help to understand
the other person that I sometimes am.
I never want to live a day that I can't say to You,

"Lord whatever You ask,
I want to obey You, to let my life beat with a servant's heart."
Lord whatever You ask,
I know that You can give me wisdom and courage to equal the task.
Whatever You ask.

I face so much, it steals away:
the will to make the time to serve or pray.
And there are days I don't take up Your cross and follow You.
But I have learned that I can talk with You.
You know everything that I'm going through.
If I'll just ask, I find that You're right there, providing me
with the strength I need.

Lord, whatever You ask, I want to obey You,
to let my life beat with a servant's heart.
Lord whatever You ask,
I know that you will give me wisdom and courage to equal the task,
Lord whatever You ask.

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