Thursday, August 30, 2012

all smiles for this artist...

There was a time when I would ask Josiah to try to draw something, and he would burst into tears. "I can't!" he'd wail next. I'm not sure those days are completely over, but we certainly have turned a corner!

 Mark Kistler's art lessons were recenly offered at a discount at the Homeschool Buyers Coop, and one price covered lessons for all three kids.  Josiah began the Mini-Marshmallow video lessons this week.  I have never heard him giggle so much when there is a pencil in his hand.

Starting his pencil rocket drawing...

 and adding more details, like the little boy with his legs out the window.  (He fell asleep.)  Crazy hair is pretty fun, too.  Don't forget the water vapor coming out of the rocket launchers!

This was his first picture.  Beatrice the dragon is burping bubbles.

We're not quite ready to contact the art galleries, but I do love that happy face!  (If I make the picture big enough, I can almost see what he drew.)


chacha said...

Oh the memories this post brought back. Enjoy these sweet times and that big smile!

leah said...

I would love to hear about those memories!

These are sweet times--I thank the Lord every day for the special joys He has brought our way through this season of homeschooling.