Wednesday, August 1, 2012

show time!

Today was a huge day for each one of my three children, a culmination of the hard work they have put in to their various summer activities.

Josiah went off the diving board with no life jacket and swam to the side of the pool by himself.  As he continued to fling himself off the side into the water, I heard his teacher say, "No, you can't do it a million times, but one more will be fine."

Rachel's theater group put on the play, The Little Mermaid Jr.  I've never seen her smile so much in one hour!

Micah and Rachel completed conference judging for most of their county fair projects.

And yes, dad and mom will sleep well tonight.  We can't begin to count how many times we pulled out of the driveway today!

My children are very different from one another, but there is something in this mother's heart that swells with joy when I see each one exhibiting a skill they have been wired by their Heavenly Father to do well.  It is a delight to be part of the audience in their lives, watching God unfold His purposes and their joy in discovering the unique person He has made them to be.  I pray as He works His redemptive plan for each of them, they will serve Him wholeheartedly in everything He gives them to do.

This morning in my quiet time, the pages opened to Psalm 47:

Come, everyone! Clap your hands!
Shout to God with joyful praise!
For the Lord Most High is awesome.
He is the great King of all the earth.
He subdues the nations before us,
putting our enemies beneath our feet.
He chose the Promised Land as our inheritance,
the proud possession of Jacob’s descendants, whom he loves.
God has ascended with a mighty shout.
The Lord has ascended with trumpets blaring.
Sing praises to God, sing praises;
sing praises to our King, sing praises!
For God is the King over all the earth.
Praise him with a psalm.
God reigns above the nations,
sitting on his holy throne.
The rulers of the world have gathered together
with the people of the God of Abraham.
For all the kings of the earth belong to God.
He is highly honored everywhere.

What a parallel today has been, to consider what it will be to see God honored on the day His works are fully revealed.  The hearts of His people will swell with boundless joy to see the Lord who is often ignored, unnoticed, or perhaps at best given a supportive role--revealed as the main Character to whom all History points finally find its culmination in Him.

I hope my applause and joy start right now, and pray yours will, too.


Beth said...

I see you're wishing for rain! =) Thanks for sharing what you all have been up to lately!

leah said...

Well, would you believe this picture is actually from a double rainbow we saw here last week? Remembering God's promise of no more world-wide flood was perhaps the opposite reassurance needed right now, until I remembered that promise is really one of grace to a world that is awaiting final judgment. And yes, we could use much more rain.

chacha said...

Love the palpable joy in your mothering heart in this post!

And the comment you made above is perfect.
