Saturday, July 21, 2012

growing in Him

It's been a busy summer, one of mostly neglecting a blog so I can stop neglecting a houseful of maturing children and other things that need to be done.  But it's also been one of growth...and I don't just mean the physical kind, although we've got a lot of that going on around here in all three kids!  I'm so thankful that summer means shorts so I don't have to worry about growing gaps between pants hems and ankles.  That will come soon enough!  Here's what we've been up to...

Micah just returned from a work trip in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  My, oh my, it is amazing to look back to a year ago and see how much he has grown in the Lord and in service to others.  He had a great trip and is sad this is the last year he can do it, unless he returns as a Sherpa (high school upperclassmen can be Jr. High leaders.)  He's also been helping out with childcare at church.  Isn't it great to see a Jr. High boy who loves kids?  He's not the only one, either!  The biggest thing keeping him busy this summer is the list of 4-H projects he needs to complete by the end of the month.  Almost there.  I'm in awe of how God is working in this boy in spite of parents who don't often know what they are doing.  He certainly has a Heavenly Father who knows exactly what he needs!

Rachel has been doing summer theater through our parks and rec and is loving, loving, loving it!!!  That is huge from a girl who has never wanted to do much beyond the four walls of home.  Watching her self-confidence blossom is such a blessing.  Her quiet, sometimes still-shy mother is learning what it means to just be herself by watching this daughter do just that.  Her play is at 7:00 at Connie Link Amphitheater on Aug. 1.  Come on out and watch them put on The Little Mermaid Jr.!!  Friendships are something of increasing importance to Rachel, who often just glows after spending time with other girls and finding common ground.  She has also enjoyed the tween study on purity at church.  I love seeing her reaching out to the girls so much younger and making sure they are included.

Josiah's thumbs up after going off the diving board at swimming lessons!
Josiah spent the first month of his summer doing a gymnastics class through parks and rec, then the second month has been spent on swimming.  The boy really loves his gymnastics, and maybe there is just a little bit of his mother in at least one of my kids when it comes to that sport.  Alas, we are all too tall to make anything much of it, but it is fun!  He overcame his fear of the water after much prayer, encouragement, and well, more prayer.  Last time we were in the pool he was doing somersaults, so I guess you could say he's come a long way.

Eric has mostly wrapped up the 10 year project he's been doing at work, and we are currently praying for the Lord's direction on where he will go from here.  He has been greatly enjoying the lack of landscaping that needs to be done this summer (I think) as he usually mows 2 yards (which he loves, so really I'm just kidding here.)  Whatever needs to be done, Eric is there doing it, whether at church, work, or home.  He continues to encourage me to simply be a servant by his own quiet example.

I sense this is a summer of transition for me.  The Lord is opening my eyes in many ways to how life changes in spite of my kicking and dragging my feet to do differently than what I've been doing for so many years.  It is easy for me to think I am in control of my life until the tide begins to turn in ways I wasn't looking for or expecting, whether in motherhood, friendships, or ministry.  But whatever pulls me into greater dependence and faith in the Lord, I accept from Him with open hands.  It is most likely a good thing, as high school quickly approaches for our oldest and more changes will soon be ahead.  We can't see what is just around the bend or beyond, but know our lives are held by One who promises grace and strength sufficient for each day.  I trust His leading and promises will be just what we need.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all this, Leah! I love hearing of the growth you are seeing. It's good to document it, to nail it down so you can rejoice in what God has done, is doing, will do. So encouraging!

leah said...

Hi Erin! Thanks so much for rejoicing with me in what the Lord is doing in my children. It IS good to look for glimpses of His faithfulness.

It has been fun to read about your Colorado trip and the things the Lord taught you there. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

chacha said...

It's wonderful to read this post and see what each of you are doing and how God is growing you.

Your last paragraph resonates so clearly with me. I will hold on to that as we go through the changes ahead here.


leah said...

The Lord has been good to give me friends just a little bit further in the motherhood journey than I am, to help me get used to the idea of what is ahead. :) You are one of them! I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to let go as your firstborn leaves the nest...and praying for you. You have so much to look forward to, but can savor each day as the Lord walks you through.

chacha said...

Thanks, Leah. You are such a blessing in so many ways. God has always put people in my life who are just a bit ahead of where we are, too. It helps to watch and contemplate in advance - at least for me. The Lord will see us through every step. xo