Tuesday, December 28, 2010

the newest challenge

We have had definitive evidence lately that Josiah reacts to corn.  Here's a list of ingredients that can contain corn: http://www.cornallergens.com/list/corn-allergen-list.php.

This isn't going to be easy.


Amy said...

Wow! What evidence do you have?

leahjoy1 said...

He has behavioral reactions to things that should be OK. Things like corn sweeteners (syrup as well as dextrose and other ingredients ending in -ose)Cheeto-type corn curls, multivitamins, non-organic milk...and the common ingredient in all of them are corn derivatives.

My goal is to keep a food diary and see what foods cause the biggest reactions, cut back on most processed food with corn ingredients (there are a few crackers that are OK) and go from there. I've heard it described as trying to keep a cup as empty as possible. When it gets filled too near the brim from too many corn products, it is constantly spilling over. That seems to be the build-up type reaction we get from Josiah.