Thursday, September 23, 2010

romance according to a 9-year-old

I love tucking my kids into bed. What a great time of the day to spend with them one on one. It seems that all the cares and delights of the world spill out at this time of the day. How much do bedtime conversations shape the life of a child?

Not too long ago, my daughter was all snuggled down in her bed, ready to be tucked in. We chatted about her new Sunday School teacher, which led to a conversation about abortion (the teacher works in the local Pregnancy Resource Clinic, which we visited about a year ago.) Then a question: "Mom, how do women have babies without a husband?" Then an honest sigh. "I just don't get that."

We haven't had "The Talk" yet, so I gently prodded to see if she was ready. "Do you know how babies are made, Rachel?" I asked. She shook her head. "Do you want to know?"

"Yes, Mom, but when you are ready to tell me, please get me a trash can. I think I will throw up."

1 comment:

Anonymous said... That is too sweet!