Thursday, September 2, 2010

prayers for Rachel

I don't do this very often, but am going to post a prayer request. Rachel is on day 3 of the stomach flu, barely into her second week of school. This is at least the 7th time she's had it in the past year. I'm taking her to the Dr. today to ask lots of questions! I appreciate any prayers for wisdom and healing.

An update: We're looking at the possibility of yet another virus along with diet changes--could be lactose intolerance or too much fruit. (Isn't it great to have a child who might eat too much fruit??) Some tests may be run if the tummy troubles continue through today. Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Your dear girl has been on my mind all day. Is she on the mend?

leah said...

Yes, she is. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

leah said...

Spoke too soon...after feeling fine most of the day yesterday, she's back on the couch this morning.

Beth said...

Does she seem to have trigger foods that set her off? You mentioned fresh fruit...

leah said...

That's one possibility I'm trying to pursue. We're keeping a food diary and cutting back on a few things. She's better for now!