Thursday, August 21, 2008

first day of school!!!

Micah bounced out of bed this morning, excited to start 4th grade. Last night we went to open house where he met his teacher Mrs. Hodge and got his binder for the year. Inside are spelling words and a list of projects for the year. Fourth grade looks to be a big change! Lots of new things this year like oral and written book reports and projects to go with them, an autobiography (I can't wait to help him with this!), science experiments, sentence do they pack this much learning into one year? Micah is anticipating homework and took time this morning to spruce up his new desk so it would be all ready.
Micah moved down the hall and acquired a bigger locker. His verse is from Micah 6:8.
Rachel is excited to start the year with Mrs. Heidebrink. The theme for her class is "Survivor." The classroom reminds me of the inside of a grass hut!! The teacher gave each child a bandana filled with items they will need to survive (and thrive!) in 2nd grade. Rachel's assignment for today was to bring back her bandana and say good morning to Mrs. Heidebrink before Mrs. Heidebrink could say good morning to her. Rachel practiced all evening and morning, and then caught her teacher off guard and before her first cup of coffee. She was beaming with self-confidence as we parted, glad to finally be a second grader.
After sending two kids off to school, I know well that all too soon, these precious preschool days will be over. I cherish these quiet moments with the baby of the family. Today I discovered he knows how to use scissors! Why should this surprise me? (All my kids have loved playdoh but Josiah has a special place in his heart for it. I get the sense that he more hangs out with it than plays with it. And then he gives it kisses when it's time to clean up.)

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