Friday, August 15, 2008

adieu to summer

It's our last full week of summer. Eric took two days off work and we took the kids on a trip to the zoo, where Micah got to hold a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. We learned that they hiss by forcing air out of their bodies when they feel threatened. Micah must have seem pretty benign because we didn't hear any hissing...
He passed on the opportunity to hold the walking stick. I guess this bug can get pinchy!

Our dynamic duo! Josiah was along, too, and you can see him in the sidebar under our new "Rhodes Under Construction" photo.

We ended our morning with a trip to an authentic Mexican restaurant. For some reason, we thought this would be a fun family outing. Micah gave it a thumbs up, but Rachel and Josiah would have preferred some golden arches with chicken nuggets and french fries.

Next we left the kids with Nana and Papa while Eric and I escaped to a bed and breakfast near Starved Rock and Matthiessen State Park. This was a belated way of celebrating our 14th wedding anniverary (in July). We came home with our batteries recharged. It's hard not to when you can sit quietly for half an hour with your spouse and take in scenes like the one above...

Thanks for watching the kids, Mom and Dad!! I'm not sure who had more fun...the grandparents, the kids, or the parents. The time away was much needed and we appreciate it more than we can say.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Always a little sad to say good-bye to summer. Looks like you gave it a good send off though.