Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas blessings

 Three precious children...each a gift year-round.

 Smiles over books (and hugs for the dog),

 new activities and buddies to carry around,

 and new toys for three kids with late fall and winter birthdays--it is always time for something more age appropriate.

 Reading the Christmas story with family,

 watching surprised faces,

 and a new cousin to hold!  It's a girl and is she ever sweet.

I could kick myself for forgetting my camera when celebrating with my side of the family, so here's a special picture from Thanksgiving.  We love being with them.

Celebrating a birthday a few days early...we always give Micah the choice of how he'd like to celebrate with long distance relatives and he likes to do what is easiest for everyone else.

What can't be captured in pictures: five years ago, I held my own newborn at Christmas.  Josiah gave me a new appreciation for what it is to be human and frail, as he struggled from the beginning against a body that was not incredibly comfortable or cooperative. Holding a new niece at Christmas again this year, I was struck once again at the reality of Jesus' incarnation and the humiliation it was for Him to leave behind His heavenly glory and take on the flesh of man as a helpless baby, totally dependent on others for nourishment and care.  What an amazing God we have!  Once again I bow to worship the Savior who gave everything that we may be reconciled to God.

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