Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window...Rachel and Josiah have the hose and are not dry.  Any guesses as to who is wetter?  Micah is at Great America today, and I am guessing he is the wettest of the three right about now.

I am nice it would be to have a nap and a personal chef.

I am thankful...for the friend who is painting our house.  The flat paint we used when we moved in is being covered with a more kid-friendly semi-gloss.  This was an overwhelming task to consider, and in two days she's tackled a good chunk and wants to come back to do more. 

From the learning rooms...Rachel is planning a luau and learning to dance the hula without giggling.  Micah is educating all of us regarding WWII battles fought in the Pacific.  After reading a book on the battle of Iwo Jima, I've learned that he does indeed take accurate notes in his head.  Josiah says his favorite thing about school is "learning" and Explode the Code, but I'm happiest that he is finally learning how to color.

In the kitchen...I need to do some baking.  (See "I am thinking" above.)  I have a free afternoon and should be using it to do that.  See "I am thinking" about nap above.

I am check on the kids outside.  Just for the record, they are both mighty wet.

I am Rachel will like the clarinet.  She was doing fine with violin but not. enjoying it. at all.  I was going to make her stick it out for a year until I added up the costs and realized how much we were spending on something she doesn't like.  Now the kids can both be in band together.

I am reading...and studying...the book of Ezekiel.  This much-neglected book is a treasure of word pictures that has made this time of Israel's history come alive.  I have been shocked at seeing the idolatry in the temple, grieved at God's glory departing, and learned how lewd the people of Jerusalem really were.  Here is the ugliness and hopelessness of sin completely uncovered.  Our question should not be why a good God would allow bad things to happen to His people, but how a holy God can do anything but condemn sin.*  The mercy of God shown to us in Christ is a bright and shining contrast.  How precious is our Savior!

I am join other women in posting our thoughts as we participate in the e-100 Bible reading program.  This starts at our church on Aug. 22.  Watch for updates.

I am looking forward to...our trip to Turkey Run, Indiana, in a few weeks.  We've never been.

Around the house...we are putting up new blinds and curtains in the newly painted living room.  It looks like a different room and we didn't even change the paint color.  Now the family room is all torn up.

One of my favorite things...about August is tomatoes and sweet corn.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Our first full day of school was yesterday, with two more to come.  Hiking with the Rhodes at Matthieson State Park on Sat.  We need rain, but hope it holds off until we're done.  My husband is itching to get sweet corn to freeze.  It's a big job.  Insert something here about personal chef.

Here is a picture I am sharing from our morning Bible seems one student is fairly inattentive and awfully furry.

*From the NIV Application Commentary.  Thanks to my brother for this recommendation.  It's a great resource!

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