Monday, September 6, 2010

how do you like...

Our cupcakes and cookies, colored with natural food coloring and sprinkles? :)
I used an organic cake mix, but am ready to try a cake from scratch. Has anyone else done this? I'll take any and all advice!

The blue is a little more of a gray-purple, but red and yellow are very nice!


Anonymous said...

Those look great! Like a taste of spring.

For years now I have done most of my baking from scratch (except these cookies that use a cake mix as the base--one of Mike's favorites!). This started back when we lived in an itty-bitty apartment w/no cupboard space to hold boxed mixes. So I kept the basic baking items on hand and always made my own. For me, it's easier than remembering to buy the special items from the store!

I've yet to find a recipe from scratch that isn't better than a box mix (perhaps it's the gumption tainting my taste buds?), although I would never be able to tell if someone else used a mix, b/c really, sweets are sweets in my opinion! I have a large baking cookbook that I use regularly, but I've also used plenty of other recipes from magazines and online.

Can't wait to hear how your adventure turns out!

leah said...

Do you have a recipe for homemade cake, especially yellow or white? If so, I would love it!