It was an unusually perfect August evening. The air was cool, with a gentle breeze stirring the still-green leaves. The sun dazzled the world with its fading light and the park was filled with children and parents. Two of my own were there, playing with great contentment as they worked their way around the playground.
I closed my eyes and wished I could freeze this moment in time to somehow make it last forever. When I opened them, I was struck with the temporal evidence of the moment. School would soon be starting, summer would end, leaves would fall from these trees in just a few more weeks. Even the perfect weather would not hold for longer than a few more hours. Children who once delighted me with their infant, toddler, preschool, and elementary ways are growing up. My own reflection in the mirror lately reveals that 40 is not as far away as I might hope. My heart ached with the knowledge that life so quickly moves us on.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven...He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." Ecc. 3:1, 11
I find it curious that finite beings have a longing for the infinite, until I remember it is God Himself that placed it there. I'm amazed that in His wisdom, forgiveness, and love, the infinite God entered into time through the person of His own dear Son, to reach out to the finite man He made. And one day, those of us who are trapped in time will have the opportunity to join our Maker in eternity. What a plan!
It's not just me who has these thoughts of eternity. They are in the heart of every man, woman, boy, and girl you meet. I dare myself and I dare you to ask them what thoughts they have of eternity. Then point them to the God who put those thoughts in their heart to begin with, and the Savior who makes eternity with Him possible.
Maybe it could start with the question, "Do you ever wish you could just freeze this moment?" Eternity with God, removed from the penalty, power, and presence of sin forever, will be far more glorious than any August evening.
You have a lovely way of writing! I'm enjoying discovering your blog. :)
susan w from FG BB
Susan--Thanks for stopping by! Writing seems to be how God wired me to process life; this is where I think out loud and others get to listen in. Kind of scary if you ask me.
I'm popping over to your blog, now.
You have pinpointed an ache and a hope all at once. Changing seasons and schedules always prick these emotions (and I don't even have little ones to send off to school!). Thanks for sharing your heart.
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