Sunday, March 14, 2010

life moves us on

It is hard to look in the eyes of my 3-year-old son and realize I can barely remember what my 11-year-old was like at his age! Yet the nostalgia over yesterday gives way to the joy of who this boy is today. I'm so thankful for the way Micah is growing intellectually, socially, and spiritually. He is one of those kids who makes parenting look easy and makes us look like we know what we are doing. But we secretly know he's still a work in progress and in reality, it is God's grace that makes him who he is, not us!!

All this being said because in less than 10 weeks, we will have a 6th grade son who will go to Jr. High next year!! It can't be! But it is. And we are getting excited about the transition and what is in store for him. One of the things he has to look forward to is band!

Presenting...the Parkside Jr. High Fifth Grade Band. These are the kids he will be playing with next year! Micah told us it was awesome to hear everyone playing together for the first time. They only had two practices before their concert.

I'm not sure "awesome" would quite describe how they sounded, until I stop to consider that most of these kids have only been playing for 6 months. Wow!! They were awesome!!! And after my own band experiences, I understand what it must have meant to Micah to hear a full band sound for the first time.

We also heard the 6th grade band play (they were much better) and then the Jr. High Honor Band. This band was incredibly talented and quickly gained fans in the audience with the excerpts they played from the Star Wars trilogy.

It's a reminder to treasure each day with the three-year-old who is still at home with me all day, and to make the most of every opportunity with his older brother who is growing up much too fast. And an encouraging reminder there is life after potty training (this mission almost complete!)

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