Saturday, July 26, 2008

fields white for the harvest

One week from today, part of our family will be participating in the Bloomington Block Bash. This is an opportunity our church has been given to partner with west-side churches to build bridges to the people of west Bloomington. Held at Miller Park from 1-4 on Aug. 2, there will be activities for kids, seminars for adults, prayer stations, food, and school supply give-aways. Would you be in prayer for this event?

General requests:
-all that takes place would be for God's glory
-God would prepare hearts to know Him
-good weather
-Spirit-filled workers equipped for their task
-divine appointments

-the joy of serving God and others would encourage and refresh his heart
-opportunities to share God's love with the kids and parents who play the game he and Micah are hosting

-God would awaken and encourage a concern for others as he hosts one of the games the kids will play
-endurance to cheerfully serve in this way for 3 hours

-sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's leading as she helps at a prayer station
-opportunities to share the gospel with those she prays with; wisdom to know how to best represent God's good news to each person who comes to her

We covet your prayers and will give an update when it's over!!

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