Monday, October 22, 2012

boy on a mission

The weather is getting colder and the outdoors less inviting.  Now Josiah can no longer escape to the backyard to play when his schoolwork is done.  What to do during those times when Mom is working with the other kids? 

Give him a mission!

(I think this idea was sparked when I overheard another homeschool mom talking about her son's spy missions.  Whatever brought it on, thank you!!)

Here is a sample of today's mission:

Josiah’s Mission

1. Pick up room.

2. Make a picture with stamps.

3. Look at 2 books.

4. Brush the dog (carefully).

5. Build something with the building set in your room.

6. Draw a picture with Color Wonder paper (he loved this!)

7. Do a cutting project.

8. Tuck a stuffed animal into bed and read him a story.

9. Do a Dr. DoRiddle page with Mom.

10. Jump up and down 10 times.

11. Fly your airplanes on a mission.

12. Show your checklist to Mom for a prize.

 (I'm not sure he really needs the prize, he enjoys this so much!!!)

If you have any ideas to add, please leave them in the comments.  I have a feeling we will be using this idea over and over.  


Anonymous said...

Could be used with school lessons as well. You could even break up the list between school lessons and fun things to do

leah said...

We use workboxes in the morning and he does really well with it. The mission checklist gives him something different to do independently in the afternoon.

It is a good idea to alternate schoolish things with fun! Tomorrow I am going to have him put the numbers 1-50 in order and read a story to Daddy, but also have down playing with legos, giving the kitten a treat, and "give everyone a hug."

Anonymous said...

I see. Well you are certainly creative.

leah said...

Only with help and out of necessity!