Saturday, September 22, 2012

milestone of a different kind

It has been a tradition in our family to present each child with their own Bible when they are learning how to read.

Last week Josiah had his first day of children's church, and since we were going to wait until Christmas to get him a Bible, I let him take his big sister's with him. 

His response was not what I expected.

Josiah clutched that Bible with excitement, like he had hardly dared to believe he could be entrusted with such a precious book.  On the way to church he was "reading it," exclaiming each time he found the word "God."

Oh, to have such a joy over the word of God!!

Needless to say, he got his new Bible this week.

"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise..." (Ps. 8:2)


Anonymous said...

"He might grow up to be a used car saleman or a minister." Our famous family quote

leah said...

So far we have more ministers than car salesmen. I hope that is a good thing.

leah said...

Of course, an honest used car salesman would be a ministry all its own. :)