Wednesday, April 18, 2012

which hemisphere do you prefer?

Every once in awhile, it seems that I stumble across a key that unlocks a mystery in one of my children.  While browsing learning styles on the internet a few evenings ago, one of those keys was placed in my hand.

It involves my daughter.

Rachel is one of those happy-go-lucky girls that loves animals, nature, science, history, and dreaming.  She's a quick learner but doesn't always retain things.  I've already shared that math seemed to open up to her when we began using a program that teaches her visually how to approach a problem.  Our use of a workbook-style vocabulary curriculum this year led to frustration and hair pulling (that was me, pulling mine.)  She told me recently that she wants to try theater this summer "more than she's ever wanted to do anything."  That's quite a statement from a girl who usually just wants to be at home.

Take all these seemingly random characteristics, and then google "right brain learning."

Rachel's name will pop up.

Ok, not her name, but certainly her learning style.  It has taken me 11 years of living with this girl (but only one of homeschooling, so cut me some slack), to realize that she thinks in pictures, not words.  Instead of sequential, fill in the blank, logical learning, she prefers random, whole-to-part, fantasy engagement.

No wonder I've been drawn to get her a vocabulary workbook that taught with picture clues.

No wonder she likes to act out her stories with her stuffed animals. 

No wonder she's been asking for a tank to collect pond creatures.

The true wonder is discovering the amazing ways God has wired our children and then helping them learn more about the wondrous world He has made.

Want to know what you or your children are?  Click here to take a right brain/left brain test.  (I found out where some of her right brain tendencies came from that way.)


Beth said...

Very interesting. I've been pondering these things myself for the Straight-haired girl. Are you familiar with Dianne Craft?? Hmmm...

leah said...

It was via her website I stumbled onto this. We must talk. :)