Wednesday, December 7, 2011

from the trenches

This article was written by a woman who struggled with ADHD and used medication until finally finding diet as a way to manage her symptoms as an adult.  All I can say is WOW.

In her words, after waking up out of an ADHD fog by going gluten free and sugar free via the Paleo diet:

"What we are doing by medicating (ADHD children) is creating a generation of kids who only know how to march in time with the masses, and don't understand that the things that make them unique also make them wonderful. We are teaching them that anything that makes them “different” makes them a problem. We aren't cultivating their unique talents and strengths and we are suppressing their creative abilities. We are breeding a generation of robots, and suppressing creativity, passion, and individuality."

The pursuit of managing ADHD with diet is difficult, but stories like this encourage me to keep trying.

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