Tuesday, June 24, 2008

busy boy

(At right: Not only does Josiah now have hair, given the right atmospheric conditions, it even curls!! This adds to the charm of his most innocent grin, which should never be trusted.)
Why Mommy is Tired at Night by Josiah
Today I
-tried to drink Baby Magic Baby Wash
-ran out of the yard through the gate Mommy thought was closed
-tested gravity using the floor lamp
-grabbed a cucumber off the counter and took a few bites
-completely emptied the diaper bag
-stuck garage sale tags all over my shirt
-found the dishwasher detergent absolutely irresistable after Mommy poured it in the dispenser
-rescued my last piece of watermelon from the garbage can and ate it
-learned how to do somersaults
-and that's what Mommy saw, I won't mention what she didn't see
By the way, yesterday I ate wet sand. It was really really tasty!!
I can't wait until tomorrow!!

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